Choir Roles & Responsibilities
Chair | Christine Lindsay |
Executive Committee
Oversight and ultimate responsibility for efficient management of the choir and choir teams Chair executive committee and choir meetings . Arrange meeting agendas with Secretary Stand in or delegate as necessary Lead spokesperson Lead liaison with music director choir and external agencies, ANCA Oversight of member & Music Director compliance with choir policies |
Vice Chair | Jenna Arnold | Executive Committee Support Chair in above role. Stand in as necessary |
Chair & Committee |
Minutes Secretary | Jenna Arnold |
Executive Committee
Arrange committee agendas in consultation with the Chair Help organise committee and planning meeting venues Record minutes of all meetings Upload approved minutes to website and notify executive members |
Chair & Committee |
Treasurer | Helge Kristoffersen |
Executive Committee
Oversight and management of the choir's finances Maintain accounts & collect member subscriptions Process payments, securing an additional Exec Comm. member approval Produce examined balance sheet at the AGM Provide financial information to the Committee, including a documented summary of income and expenses. |
Chair & Committee |
Music Director | Elizabeth W Scott |
Music Selection
Selecting all music for rehearsals and concerts
Securing Executive Committee approval for music purchase expenses Considering music suggested by choir members via Section leaders
Music Use
Liaising with the Royalties & Copyright team to ensure copyright compliance
Approving appropriate sound files, providing resources of notable performance recordings and pronunciation
Rehearsals & Concerts
Creating choir-based roles and responsibilities for section leadership, and rehearsal support
Creating suitable choir formations for rehearsals and performances Scheduling choir rehearsals, supporting choir members’ regular attendance & recommending how to handle irregular attendance to Exec Committee. Providing the guidance and direction during choir rehearsals to assist members in achieving the correct tone, pitch, rhythm, tempo, and harmony. Deciding on appropriate music & appropriate participants for performing, based on the venue. Check website to tally numbers in each section prior to rehearsal to plan based on voice parts Providing advance notice to the choir of works to be rehearsed in good time.
Managing Choir, Progress & Relationships
Monitoring progress of new singers and assigning voice parts.
Networking with external contacts for the choir Advising opportunities, suggestions and feedback Proposing annual music budget and contingencies Selection of suitable venues for the choir’s work Developing plans for concert performances, collaboration with other groups and venues, amplification, staging and publicity opportunities Producing and approving all public-facing information about the Music Director Oversee an annual survey of choir Choir Marketing and Communications Reviewing for approval all public-facing information about the Choir – including website content, |
Chair & Committee |
Finance Team |
Helge Kristoffersen
Maintain a detailed record of cash payments and receipts
Maintain a register of choir members and their payments Collect and regularly bank all cash receipts Arrange payments for expenditures against approved receipts and invoices Maintain an approved cash float observing personal limits of authority for petty cash payments Maintain four authorised bank signatories. |
Treasurer |
Membership Team |
Sandra Powel
Maryrose Barlow
Anne Birt
Denise Wilson |
Welcoming new members and giving them an introductory pack with a welcome letter,
new membership application form, current music and name badge. Informing new members that they have a 2 week complimentary trial period On receipt of membership fees, add new member details to the website and give them a login Check in with new members to see how they are settling in and if they feel comfortable with their particular voice part. Direct new member to raise any voice part issues with Music Dir. Allocating new members a “buddy” in their section to provide support.. Put out name badges each week and collect at the end of each session. Put out attendance sign on sheet and ensure attendance reflected in Harmony website onlilne.. Invite/include new members in social coffee after rehearsals Follow up on any choir member who is unwell or needing support Remove details of members who have left the choir |
Committee |
Publicity Team | Shelley Cartwright |
Propose and create brand assets including logo, colours, fonts and relevant styles
Propose and create promotional materials for membership drives, performances and other events Propose and organise photography content for website and promotional materials. Lead contact HarmonySite website platform provider Website content population and updates Facebook and YouTube channels Management of Google account including Gmail, YouTube, Google Drive and Google Analytics All public-facing information about the Choir – including website content with approval of Music Dir. |
Music Director |
Music Files Team |
Ian Wood (Learning aids)
Birgit Graefner (Music Librarian)
Christine Lindsay (Royalties & Copyright)
Learning Aids
Create MP3 sound files for all parts + tutti and upload to website
Upload approved PDF music sheets to website Upload any learning aids such as translation, pronunciation guide, recorded performance and historical background as may be requested by the Director.
Music Librarian
Maintain master copies of choir’s sheet music collection, together with digital copies as a backup Provide additional printed copies of required music at rehearsals for new members and those on “unable to print” list. Maintain a log of the number of sheets printed for reimbursement
Royalties & Copyright
Advise on secure usage conditions for any music requiring performing fees
Advise of any fees for music used by choir (performance and copies) and secure payments through Treasurer for and document compliance for any music requiring printing/copying and/or performing fees. |
Committee & Music Director |
Events & Operations Team |
Nerida Harrison
Ray Wright
Ensuring logistics of rehearsals to make sure the Music Director has prompt access to podium
or stand and keyboard Ensuring logistics of performances, coordinating with third-party presenters and music director as necessary. Co-ordinating extra rehearsal space rental |
Music Director |